Friday, March 18, 2011

Can I call you..My Sunshine???

Everyday in my pray, I always hope that I can have a man that can make me to be a better person. A man who can be the leader, a man who can show me the love of our God. I think I can see it through you.
Everytime we talk, I feel the peace and fun at the same place. Everytime we talk, even not face to face, I feel blessed and bright. Are you the one that I always hope? Can you make me a better person?
I try hard and hard to figure out the feeling that I have for you, but in the same way, I don’t care what the future will be for us. I love the situation, I love the way you talk,I love the way we talk, no matter what will happens next.
Everyday I always waiting for the sun to shine, the sun that can shining my day, my activities and everything surround me. That is what I feel about you, everytime I feel the shine that you left for me,even for once second, it can brighten my day. Thank you my sunshine, thank you for letting me to know you,no matter what happens next..come what may

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