Tuesday, March 22, 2011

If You Only Knew...

sepertinya lebih aman untuk mengungkapkannya di Blog aja deh
ow boy..if you only knew that the person i've been talking about this time is you...
i have a past with another man, but i always hoping that i can have a future with you
but you are too far to get, not because the distance, but because the string that u already attached with...you belong to someone else...how can i defeat it?
ow boy..if you only knew, i named you my sunshine since the first time we talk,i gave you that name so i can be freely express my feeling about you everytime i remember you..
I dont care if one day i read this blog and you are not mine, i won't be sad, because i know from the beginning that i have a very small chance to have you in my life..
ow boy..if you only knew...i always pray for the best of you, for your life and your happiness...
Whew..semoga tulisan gue ini aman yah...hehehehehe
uda mulai ga aman nulis di twitter or even facebook, tapi gue tipe orang yg selalu ingin mengekspresikan perasaan gue...jadi lewat mana lagi kalau bukan lewat my lovely Blog...
Dear Sunshine...if you only knew...

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